Write code, write local, write more.

Here I keep up with all things codes, and write about any challenges in the field I've encountered and could be of use to the wider community. My struggles could very easily have been somebody else's, and there's nothing like finding a well documented article to get you over the hump of whatever may be challenging you. I also include other topcis I find interesting, either hobbies or just things from living in the New England area. My hope here is to contribute as much to the coding community as it's contrubuted to me.

Python, and the Story of Recursion

Recursion are an interesting, and tricky concept in our Python tool box. Basically it’s when code goes meta, and calls upon itself to execute a self function until it meets a base requirement to exit the loop. These sorts of algorithms are used for iterating over a list. So why use recursion when we already […]

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Python Sorting Algorithms: Bubble Sort

In my next few articles I want to talk about sorting algorithms, and how they work. When working with datasets you’ll want to organize them in all sorts of ways. Here I’ll talk about bubble sorts, and their basic construction. It’s a fairly simple concept. Bubble sort will iterate through an array, and compare pairs. […]

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Python Sorting Algorithm: Quick Sort

Quick-sort is another divide and conquer algorithm like the merge_sort algorithm. Quick-sort’s unique method however makes it oddly efficient, and thus popular. It’s a recursion operation, and calls upon itself to break an array into multiple sub-list. The final sub-list will have just one element left before it breaks out of its recursion with an […]

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Python Sorting Algorithm: Radix Sort

You ever just study something that’s made you mad? Like programming doesn’t need to be this hard, and yet you still find yourself trying to understand Radix Sort. I’d like to promise you that everything is going to be okay, but you know what, we can’t know everything, and maybe some things are just worth […]

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Python Algorithms: Dijkstras Algorithm

Dijkstra’s algorithm is an algorithm used to find all of the shortest distances between a start vertex and the rest of the vertices in a graph. Above you can see we start at A, and from there we will find the shortest distance to all other vertices. Dijkstra uses breadth-first search algorithm, and updates the […]

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Web Development: Apache2 Servers

At some point in your web development journey you’ll want full control of your website, and mastering the art of web hosting can bring you closer to that goal. If you’re reading this article I assume you’re comfortable looking at code, and using the linux terminal. I’ll be touching on the basics of setting up […]

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WordPress & Pi: Setting Up Your Home Server

Today, I want to talk about WordPress a content management service (CMS). CMS is an application used to manage and publish web content in a really simple user-friendly way. It allows marketers, content creators, and merchandisers to interact with the website without having to use the IT department. In a world where content is everything […]

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How to Automate Python Scripts on Windows

If you’re interested in writing Python, then at some point you’ve probably wondered how to automate parts of your life, and have your script run automatically on its own. In this article, I’m going to explain a simple python script to send emails, and how you can have that email sent automatically without ever having […]

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Python Data & Heap Structures: Heaps of Fun

As a programmer for about a year now most programming days are smooth sailing in comparison to the early days. I’ve learned how to learn, and with unlimited online resources I eventually stumble onto some actual materials of substance. I hope to add my own value to the vast knowledge so many others have graciously […]

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Digitial Drawings