Hi, my name is

Abel, and I

build things for the internet

Currently focused on back-end development,
and web design.

Recent Articles

I'm a developer located in the New England area. I like working on PHP frameworks for app development, and WordPress sites. Thanks for landing on my personal site where where I write, and show off some of the things I'm working on.

Digital Drawings

Hand In Space

Medium: Procreate. […]

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Whale In Trees

Medium: Procreate […]

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Mountain Vista

Medium: Procreate. […]

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Japanese Landscape

Medium: Procreate. […]

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I'm a big fan of art, all kinds, and in my spare time I like to be creative where I can and will dabble using different softwares (mostly personal), but for others too. I've shared a few here.

Tools I'm Familiar With